Tree & Shrub Care Programs and Services
Our arborist has 31 years of experience working in the tree care industry and has been working for our company for 23 years. We use all methods of application including foliar sprays, trunk injections, root zone injections, and soil drenching depending on what we are treating for. At the very least, we do strongly recommend a soil injected deep root fertilization in the fall, since most trees and shrubs in our area are growing in nutrient deficient, heavy clay soils.

Tree & Shrub Care Programs
Tree care includes deep root fertilization using controlled release nitrogen in the spring and fall
Liquid insect and disease control treatments
Program recommendations are specific to your plants and their needs

Insect Control Programs
Programs for control of insects including borers, scale, pine moths, black vine weevils, and bagworms
Miticide Program

Additional Tree & Shrub Care Services
Trunk injections for control of specific disease problems
Dormant oil applications in the spring and fall
Mircronutrient and iron injections to treat nutrient deficiencies
Our Arborist will come to your property to do an analysis of any trees and shrubs you would like treated. He will leave his recommedations for a tree care program specific to your needs.